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Prov.4:20-27 You will marvel at yourself if you take out time to think on some things you do. Have you ever taken the pains to do a little research over some fashion trends and styles? We are created thinking beings. Being a spiritual person does not stop you from thinking. Any other culture outside Christ will drag you down to immaturity. When you stick to God, he brings the best out of you and develops a well-informed character in you. Fix your attention on Jesus. Never allow your mind imbibe corruption and evil. As your mind is renewed, be careful every day. There are Christians who claim that their minds are renewed and they go ahead to do all kinds of things on the outside and still think that their minds remained renewed. As a Christian, do you jump at anything without thinking? That is dangerous. You tell some Christians that there are places you should not go, books you should not read, films you should not watch, internet sites you should not visit, that you place limitations on how far you relate with the opposite sex - then they tell you "Bro, you need a renewed mind". You ask, so if you have a renewed mind, you should be touching anything you want to touch and be looking at anything you want to look at. Rubbish! You wonder what kind of renewing of mind they are talking about when great Christians like Paul could write “Abstain from all appearances of evil” (1Thess.5:22). When men as spiritually powerful as Job made covenants with their eyes on what to see and not to see (Job 31:1) PRAYER Your word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against you.


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